
Google Drive now supports hotkeys for copying and pasting files

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V and a couple more combinations will make life easier for Chrome users. klavishi-dlja-kopirovanija-i-vstavki-fajlov-d199d5f.jpg” alt=””Google Drive” now supports hotkeys for copying and pasting files” />

Daria Gromova

Lifehacker Author

Sometimes popular services and applications surprise with the announcement of new features that, it would seem, should be present in them from the very release. And this is one such news: the web version of Google Drive finally learned how to work with hotkeys “copy”, “paste” and “cut”.

You can now use shortcuts Ctrl + C (or ⌘ + C on Mac), Ctrl + X, and Ctrl + V to work faster with files in Google Drive. Interestingly, this works not only in cloud storage: you can copy a file from the “Disk” and paste it into a document or email: in this case, the file name and a link to it will be pulled up.

The sequential keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C, and then Ctrl + Shift + V has also become available. This allows you to paste not the file itself, but a shortcut to it – in case if you don't want to create a bunch of duplicates. Clicking on such a shortcut will open the original document. Finally, the last added command is Ctrl + Enter, which allows you to open files or folders in a new tab.

It is worth noting that we decided to make support for hotkeys exclusive to the Chrome browser. The update is currently being rolled out to Google Workspace users, and will roll out to users with personal Google accounts on June 1.

Cover: Google