
Zoom in Russia is still out of competition. Where are your video conferences?

Yandex.Telebridge, Google Meet, or maybe SberMeetap? vne-konkurencii-a-gde-prohodjat-vashi-videokonferencii-935f7fa.jpg” alt=”Zoom is still out of competition in Russia. Where do your video conferences take place?” />

Victor Podvolotsky

Lifehacker Author

Zoom is still out of competition in Russia. Where do your video conferences take place?

Vedomosti, citing analysts, writes that the majority of Russian users still use the American Zoom service for video conferencing – contrary to the import substitution program.

Zoom leads by a wide margin – its chosen by 77% of users. Next come:

  • Yandex.Telebridge — 22.3%;
  • Google Meet — 18.7%;
  • Microsoft Teams — 13 %;
  • Dion, VideoMost and SberMitap — up to 10%.

At the same time, 70% of users use more than one video conferencing service. So, one may be designed purely for work, and the second for communicating with friends.

Cover: Zoom