
Windows 11 will receive support for third-party widgets before the end of 2022

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Viktor Podvolotsky

Lifehacker Author

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/windows-11-poluchit-podderzhku-storonnih-widzhetov-do-konca-2022-goda-325a937.jpg" alt="Windows 11 will get support for third-party widgets until the end of 2022" />

As part of the annual Build conference, Microsoft announced that it will open access to Windows 11 widgets to all developers by the end of the year. They will be able to add them as an add-on to their Win32 and PWA apps.

Currently, the Windows 11 widget system is limited to Microsoft's own solutions, and the choice is rather limited. There are widgets for Outlook and To Do – useful for users of these services, but the rest are mostly web applications that show the weather, entertainment content or news. it's great that this part of the Windows 11 operating system will soon be open to everyone.

Remarkably, the news comes just a few days after Microsoft began testing Windows 11 with the web search bar. Until now, widgets have been hidden in a special block on the left, but it looks like the company is ready to move them directly to the desktop.