
Is it possible to eat fresh vitamins from vegetables, fruits and berries for the future

Understanding the features of the human body. -vprok-ad8c35e.jpg” alt=”Is it possible to eat fresh vitamins from vegetables, fruits and berries for the future” />

Valery Savanovich Founder and owner of the online medical laboratory Lab4U.

Why do we need vitamins

Vitamins are essential micronutrients that are involved in many biochemical processes and are therefore essentialVitamins/U.S. National Library of Medicine for the body. For example, B vitamins are needed for cellular metabolism, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and vitamin C is needed for tissue health and wound healing.

That is why it is important to get enough of these trace elements: with their deficiency, or hypovitaminosis , the work of the body is disrupted.

For example, a lack of B2 leads to J. Lykstad, S. Sharma. Biochemistry, Water Soluble Vitamins/StatPearls to inflammation and fissures in the mouth, or cheilosis, and pathological vascularization of the cornea. With B5 deficiency, dermatitis, enteritis and adrenal insufficiency develop, and hair may begin to fall out. And the lack of each vitamin will have its own set of unpleasant consequences.

Where do we get vitamins from

Most often – from food, although D3 is produced by Vitamin D/Mayo Clinic in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Let's take two simple examples: vitamins C and A.

Sources of Vitamin C/Mayo Clinic First are citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, strawberries, and bell peppers. And the second contains Vitamin A/Mayo Clinic in beta-carotene and other carotenoid provitamins. They can be found in green leafy and yellow vegetables, carrots and dark or brightly colored fruits.

Is it possible to stock up on vitamins for future use if there are more vegetables and fruits

Unfortunately, no. Although we get trace elements from food, eating a lot of seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries and greens will not be enough.

The fact is that vitamins are regularly consumed. They are constantly involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, are responsible for the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, immune systems, help us absorb calcium and iron, and so on. The body is not a closet in which you can put vitamins and sometimes get the right ones out of there, but rather a firebox. And for its operation it is necessary to constantly throw up fuel.

Moreover, some vitamins are spent faster than others. So, they share J. Lykstad, S. Sharma. Biochemistry, Water Soluble Vitamins/StatPearls into fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K), which are stored in fatty tissues, and water-soluble ones (group B and vitamin C), which are easily excreted from the body, for example during urination.

And the second, as a rule, cannot approach the level of accumulation: their excess dissolves in water when it enters the body. As a result, he cannot store enough of these vitamins for later use: the norm that is needed for work is absorbed, the rest is excreted in the urine.

But fat-soluble ones are also actively consumed. For example, vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of rhodopsin, the main visual pigment, by Vitamin A/Mayo Clinic. That is, in order for us to see something, we need to spend rhodopsin, and in order to produce it, we need to get vitamin A. Therefore, these microelements cannot be accumulated either.

Why vitamins may not be enough

< p>It usually depends on the Vitamins and Minerals/Merck Manual of health, age, lifestyle and nutrition. So, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction disrupt the work of almost all systems and organs, and a number of chronic diseases, such as the gallbladder, prevent the normal absorption of food and trace elements.

A lack of vitamins can appear as a result of a radical diet for weight loss, which severely restricts the intake of necessary products, and due to seasonal changes in nutrition. For example, when a person does not eat fruits in winter. It turns out that in the whole year he receives vitamins, but in fact this happens only in the summer. The question, however, remains a topic for discussion and research.

How many vegetables and fruits you need to eat to get enough vitamins

Each vitamin has its own daily intake, which is based on gender and age. Detailed tables listing the indicators can be viewed on the Rospotrebnadzor website.

Unfortunately, no single fruit or vegetable contains all the necessary vitamins. That is why specifying specific numbers (so many grams of apples, carrots, beets, strawberries per day) is a meaningless exercise. Few people have the courage to chew a whole lemon without sugar to get their daily allowance. Not everyone will want to buy an avocado because of its price or specific taste. And many people are allergic to the most useful carrots and strawberries.

In general, you need to make sure that you eat vegetables, fruits and berries, and also greens throughout the year. Meat, dairy and fish products are also needed – B vitamins are found there.

What to do if you suspect a vitamin deficiency

Contact a general practitioner. He can direct J. Lykstad, S. Sharma. Biochemistry, Water Soluble Vitamins/StatPearls you for a special analysis or a combination of them to determine the level of one individual vitamin or several at once.

If you find a deficiency of any trace elements, the specialist will suggest adjusting your diet based on your personal characteristics, including allergies, and also recommend a vitamin-mineral complex, which must be taken in accordance with the schedule and duration of the course established by the doctor.