
How to start playing sports with the whole family and not quit after a month

Just finding an interesting discipline is not enough. mesjac-c003434.jpg” alt=”How to start playing sports with the whole family and not quit in a month” />

Anton Golotsutskov Gymnast, coach, two-time Olympic medalist, founder of the Moscow AGGA Gymnastics Academy sport”.

Discuss the undertaking with your family

Try to explain to your family that working together is a good idea. They not only improve health, but also bring people together, give everyone pleasant emotions. And it's easier to keep a schedule when you're not training alone.

Be an example for your family

If loved ones ignore your suggestions or avoid any physical activity, try starting alone. A positive example can also be contagious.

It will be even more effective if you ask the family to become a support group: you run, and they play or take a leisurely walk. With team sports, it's even easier: someone will definitely want to throw the ball with you. And there is already close to active training.

Choose the right sport

When everyone is ready to play, make a complete list of sports that each family member enjoys. Probably, some options will coincide – and it is worth starting with them. If there are no intersections or, conversely, there are too many of them, you can sort the disciplines by voting. If there are few ideas, there is no need to worry: while you are trying the ones you have, new ones may appear.

When you decide on the list and agree on where to start, it is worth attending a test lesson. If everyone likes it, great, you can move on to regular training. If not, try the next item. And with ambiguous impressions, it does not hurt to explore similar options. For example, if tennis seems difficult, but interesting, you can go to badminton.

Thus, through trial and error, you will find a suitable sport.

Make a schedule of classes

To begin with, try to create a schedule for a week or a month. Consider work, school, household chores and be sure to leave time for rest. It is important to determine at least one or two windows a week and start exercising: a habit will gradually form.

I recommend exercising in the morning to cheer up and set the right mood for the day. This is good if you do not have to go anywhere and get ready for a long time. For example, for a joint run, it is enough to get up early and go outside together. At home, you can collectively do gymnastics or yoga.

Another option is training on the weekend. Even if there are a lot of household chores, everyone will definitely succeed in carving out an hour for sports. Well, or a couple of hours if you want to expand the choice of activities and go to the gym, play football or swim together in the pool.

Combine sports

When you manage to build the first classes into the schedule and go to them constantly, you can think about a new discipline. If you combine exercises, they will not turn into a routine, and the development of muscles and skills will be more harmonious. For example, swimming is good for the core, and basketball teaches teamwork.

Remember that it is important not to overdo it. If you feel that there is too much to do, it is better to remove some of the classes.

Keep a journal of achievements

This is a good way to stay motivated. On the one hand, all successes are noted and progress is visible, and on the other hand, you want to achieve more in order to make a new entry in the journal.

Mark the starting point – the initial results for each family member. And then update the data monthly.

Try to write down even small achievements, they should be a reason for pride and praise. And at the end of the month, you can compare old and new indicators, rejoice at successes, and even arrange small festivities with the presentation of small gifts. So working on your results will turn into a pleasant game.

Support each other

This applies to all spheres of life, sports will not be an exception. Support can be both physical and moral. For example, if your child is struggling with pull-ups, you can start doing exercises together to strengthen the arms and back, or add elastic bands to reduce weight and make the task easier. You can also talk about your own failures and show that everyone has difficulties, but it’s really possible to cope with them.

Watch the workload

Be sure to pay attention to the condition of your relatives, especially children. If after class they are lethargic, they can’t catch their breath for a long time, they are not in the mood, then most likely the load is too high and does not benefit. In this case, it is worth reducing the number of approaches, training time or taking longer breaks.

If you get too tired, there will be no benefit from training, and even enthusiasts will soon lose their desire to train.

Sometimes skip classes

Nothing bad will happen if you do it once every 1-2 months. These breaks are necessary to stay motivated and not get tired. When one or more family members are too lazy to go to a workout, allow them and yourself to relax and skip the class. Spend your free time in a different way: go to the cinema or a cafe, take a walk in the park or arrange an evening of board games.

The main thing is that absenteeism does not become a habit. Rest is good, but discipline is also important.