
Google app for Android will allow you to delete your search history for the last 15 minutes

This will quickly erase potentially compromising requests from memory. za-poslednie-15-minute-4360aeb.jpg” alt=”Google app for Android will allow you to delete your search history for the last 15 minutes” />

Google has finally added the ability to delete searches for the last 15 minutes minutes on Android. To do this, open the Google application, click on the profile icon and select “Delete last 15 minutes” (Delete last 15 minutes).

The function appears on devices gradually. The developers promise that within a few weeks, access to it will appear on all compatible Android smartphones.

Google first announced this feature at the I/O conference in May 2021, and in July it appeared in the Google app for iOS. A year later, the feature became available on Android. Whether the company plans to bring it to desktop computers has not yet been specified, but it is quite possible.