
DuckDuckGo secure browser now available for macOS

Still in beta.

Protected DuckDuckGo browser has become available for macOS

The creators of the DuckDuckGo search engine have announced the start of open beta testing of the browser for macOS. The application has a simple interface, no trackers or ads.

You can apply through a mobile application for iOS or Android. To do this, go to the DuckDuckGo Desktop App section in the settings and click Join the Private Waitlist.

DuckDuckGo Secure Browser Now Available for macOS

DuckDuckGo secure browser now available for macOS

Please note that the beta version is only available in English and may contain bugs and bugs. If you're not ready for this, it's best to wait for a stable release.

Application not found

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser Now Available for macOS

DuckDuckGo Privacy BrowserDuckDuckGoPrice: Free

DuckDuckGo secure browser now available for macOS

Price: Free