
Clipt is a shared clipboard for PC and smartphone

To quickly transfer text, links, and even files. fa5fdeb.jpg” alt=”Clipt — common clipboard for PC and smartphone” />

There are different ways to quickly transfer information from PC to smartphone and vice versa, but not all of them are universal and suitable for different types of data. If you have been looking for such a tool for a long time, then you should get acquainted with the new Clipt service from OnePlus natives. It links your mobile device to your computer through the Chrome browser.

Clipt — shared clipboard for PC and smartphone

After installing the service extension, any text copied in the browser on the PC is automatically entered into the Clipt buffer and becomes available on your smartphone with the Clipt application installed. You can paste text on a mobile device immediately, via the “Paste” context menu, as in the standard script.

Clipt — shared clipboard for PC and smartphone

Clipt — shared clipboard for PC and smartphone

In order to access the smartphone buffer from a PC, you need to press one additional button in the blind of the mobile device – Send. Then what you copied will be available for quick paste via Ctrl+V on a PC.

Similarly, you can share not only text or links, but also files. On a smartphone, for this you need to open the Clipt application and select the one you need from memory through the plus sign. On a PC, in the extension window, click on the Upload file button.

The developers claim that the service uses Google Drive for the transfer, so Clipt itself does not see what exactly you are sending. To work correctly, you need to use the same Google account on both devices. The Clipt extension and apps are free to download.

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