
All App Store apps will have a delete account button

If the developers refuse, the apps will be hidden from the store. -a086129.jpg” alt=”A delete account button will appear in all App Store applications” />

Daria Gromova

Lifehacker Author

It will appear in all App Store apps delete account button

Apple told developers that all apps that allow the user to create an account must also allow the user to delete that account without leaving the app. The corresponding App Store policy changes will take effect on June 30.

The announcement also clarifies:

  • The delete account button should be placed in the app in a way that the user can easily find it.
  • If the application supports “Sign in with Apple”, deleting the account must trigger the Apple REST API that revokes the user's token.
  • The ability to temporarily disable or archive an account is not enough: we are talking about completely deleting the account records and user data.
  • For applications from categories that require special regulation, it is recommended to create additional technical support streams that will simplify and verify account deletion (probably mainly for financial applications).
  • When storing and deleting user data, you must comply with the requirements of the law – including local in specific countries and regions.

Apple does not specify what will happen to applications that do not adapt to new rules until 30 June. It is likely that in this case they will not meet the requirements of the App Store and will no longer be available for download.

Cover: Daria Gromova/Shutterstock