
Yandex Go has a “demand index” that explains the change in the cost of a taxi

Users will now be able to track demand and call a car when the price of a ride is better.


In the mobile application “Yandex Go » added «demand index». It will allow you to see what factors influenced the increase in the cost of the trip – weather, traffic jams, lack of free cars in the area, and so on.

In &laquo ;Yandex Go

The index will be visible in the upper left corner of the main screen after specifying the destination. The icon can be of different colors – from green to red, which indicates a change in the coefficient.

In &laquo ;Yandex Go

If there is an arrow next to the icon, the price of the trip will be lower than the standard one. This happens if there are too many free cars in the area and few orders, and where the passenger is going, on the contrary, there are not enough cars.

Yandex Go has a

In high demand, when there are not enough free drivers, the index icon turns yellow, orange or red. This often happens in bad weather, which often leads to traffic jams and difficult traffic.

The developers hope that the index will help users save.

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