
WhatsApp's new feature aims to slow down the spread of fakes

It is already being actively tested.

 WhatsApp's new feature is designed to slow down the spread of fakes

In the beta version of WhatsApp (build on Android and on iOS), users noticed a new limitation. When you try to forward a message that is already marked as forwarded, the app allows you to select only one group chat to send.

To forward one post to multiple chats, you must select each one individually, so share the message with everyone in the group at once. a couple of clicks will not work. ” alt=”Whatsapp's new feature aims to slow down the spread of fake news” />

Similar restrictions have already been tested in Brazil before, it was reported at the time that this was done to minimize the spread of fake news. Now the change has been noticed by users around the world, but it is not yet clear when they will become available in the stable version of the application.