
Скачать с Яндекс диска Domestika – Food Photography and Retouching with Photoshop

Скачать с Яндекс диска Domestika - Food Photography and Retouching with Photoshop

Explore the aesthetic possibilities of food and its packaging

Francesc Guillamet is one of the best gastronomic photographers in the world. For his camera have passed the creations of great chefs such as Ferran Adrià, Sergi Arola, the brothers Roca (Jordi, Joan and Josep), Carme Ruscalleda or Paco Torreblanca.

In this course you will learn to portray food in an aesthetic and harmonious way, highlighting the nobility of the product along with the chef's preparation. As an example, Francesc will show you the challenges he has had to overcome when it comes to portraying vegetables in miniature, very difficult elements given the delicacy of the raw material, the size, the absence of color and textures.

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