
How to make mugs bring joy to your child

It is important not only to find the right option, but also to help you adapt to the loads. rebjonku-radost-1461584.jpg” alt=”How to make mugs bring joy to a child” />

Maria Smolyanova Founder of the online school for children Novator.

We try to give children the maximum, because of which we sometimes get carried away. For example, we simultaneously write them down in English (because everyone learns without it), swimming or gymnastics (let him grow as a winner) and mental arithmetic or programming (fashionable, and the whole yard walks).

In this pursuit of valuable skills, we sometimes forget about the desires of the children themselves and miss out on what they really like.

How to choose additional activities

Let's figure out how to find options that suit your child.

Ask the child what he likes

It can be swimming, volleyball, drawing, robotics, wood crafts, and anything else that comes to mind. Discuss what attracts you the most now and where he would like to start. With this in mind, make a list of priority areas.

If there are too many options for a hobby, honestly warn that you will not be able to attend all classes. Try to explain to the child the reason, and not just say “no”.

Think about the prospects

Try to combine the healthy rationalism of an adult and the desires of a child. Evaluate the benefits of different activities: for example, sports sections teach purposefulness and perseverance. These skills will definitely come in handy in adulthood.

But you shouldn't send your child to sports just because you want to raise an Olympic champion. Consider what is interesting for your son or daughter.

Choose a format that is convenient for everyone

You can do it in person in the old fashioned way, or you can do it online. The latter option has become especially popular during the pandemic, it saves time and energy for both the child and parents.

A variety of circles are adapted for online – from programming to drawing and even singing. So you can visit a huge number of sections without leaving your home.

But the approach also has drawbacks. So, small children cannot be left alone during classes. And not all activities are possible at home: for example, chasing a soccer ball will definitely not work.

Determine the place

If classes are still held offline, you should seriously consider choosing the location of the section. After all, neither the parents nor the child will be able to constantly travel from one end of the city to the other.

You can choose a circle near the house or clearly think over the logistics: it is better to decide right away who will accompany the child. If you can’t drive and pick it up yourself, consider hiring an hourly nanny, you can even with your own car. However, it will cost much more.

Take into account the class schedule

It is important to adjust the sections to the child's schedule. So, children spend a lot of mental energy while studying at school or kindergarten, and then they study with a tutor. By the end of the day it can be hard to think, so in the evening (but not late) it is wiser to plan a visit to sports sections – to unload and splash out emotions.

Although, again, everything is individual: one child it’s better to recharge while drawing, and gymnastics is more suitable for another.

On weekends, you should give preference to those circles that your child likes the most – they will complement the rest.

Visit a few test sessions and compare

For a child, trial classes are a great way to understand what he has to do in the future, whether it suits him, whether teachers or coaches like him. Just do not rush to buy a subscription after the first enthusiastic reaction, but first go to other sections from the priority list. After reviewing all the options, the child will choose what impressed him the most.

Set a trial period

If the child liked it, determine the minimum period after which you decide together whether to continue or not. For a trial segment, a subscription for one month is enough.

This approach will allow you to better understand the sensations and not spend too much. After all, some sections are expensive, and the child can be scared off by the adaptation period, when the result is not yet visible, but difficulties are already arising.

How to help the child adapt

The choice of classes is not over yet: further adaptation begins. It goes about the same as the first months in a regular school: the child gets used to the team, compares himself with everyone. Gets upset when something doesn't work. And he really needs the help of his parents during this period.

Support the child

Due to failures at first, he may be afraid that his parents will condemn him, and his peers will not accept him. Therefore, sometimes the child closes and stubbornly declares: “I just won’t go to this.” In such situations, it is important to show that even if something does not add up, you still love him.

Say that you understand the child and that everything happens, indicate your support and enlist his trust. And only then look for the cause of failures.

To be interested in passion

Comment on even small victories and offer to deal with difficulties together. For example, try to learn English words together or do some exercise. This way you will not only motivate your son or daughter, but will also be able to spend more time together.

And if you watch sports broadcasts together with a future swimmer, go to exhibitions with a young artist, or attend classical music concerts with a piano lover, you can show your child what he can achieve if he wants.

Think over a system of bonuses for perseverance


Yes, giving gifts for every step is unwise. But bonuses are not only material things. And it is important to emphasize positive changes so that the child sees that his successes are noticed. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage victory not over others, but over oneself. What was the result in the past – and what is it now.

You can also come up with a checklist, a small list with different goals. When a child reaches one of them, it’s worth celebrating it together: for example, sticking beautiful stickers, decorating the cells with bright felt-tip pens, or even having a mini holiday. In this case, gamification is involved: the completion of some tasks is perceived as completing a quest.

In general, when choosing activities, one should take into account the desires and needs of the child. After all, you are doing it for him, not for yourself. It is also important to support your son or daughter in their endeavors.