
How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

To do this, you only need standard programs from Apple. -3-prostyh-sposoba-0bfda09.jpg” alt=”How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways” />

By default, iPhone takes photos in HEIF format. Although it has many advantages, such images are not suitable for uploading to some sites and do not open on all devices. The problem is solved by converting the image to the good old JPEG.

There are many third-party services and websites for this task, but you can easily get by with applications that are already on any iPhone or Mac.

How to find out the image format

Chances are good that you need to convert the file precisely because it was not accepted by a site or service that does not support HEIF. But you can check the format directly on an iPhone with iOS 15 or later using the stock Photos app.

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

Just open the desired image and swipe up from the bottom. The image's metadata will open and its format will be listed here.

If you have an older version of iOS, you will have to use third-party applications that show the file's EXIF ​​data.

How to convert HEIF to JPEG

Method 1. On iPhone

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

  1. Open the desired image in Photos.
  2. Click ” Share” and select “Copy Photo”.
  3. Open the Files app.
  4. Hold your finger on an empty area of ​​storage until the context menu appears. Select Paste.

Done, iCloud now has a “JPEG Image” file that can be sent through any available app or saved to the gallery.

Method 2: On macOS Monterey

The new version of macOS has a handy tool , which allows you to change the file format in a couple of clicks. To do this, just find the desired file in the Finder, right-click on it and select “Quick Actions” → “Convert Image”.

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

Next, you can select the format (PNG is also available) and image size from small to real. Then click Convert to JPEG.

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

This will create a copy in the folder where the original file is located – but with JPEG resolution. This method is also suitable for mass conversion of images: to do this, just select all the necessary files, and then repeat the steps described above.

Method 3. On macOS Big Sur and below

If you still do not rush to update your computer to the latest OS version, you can also convert photos through the standard View utility.

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

  1. Open the HEIF file in Preview (it will open in this program by default anyway) , but if another program is assigned to HEIF, do it manually via right-click → “Open With” → “View”.
  2. From the top menu, select “File” → “Export”.
  3. If necessary, change the export settings (name, save folder, format and quality), then click “Save”.

How to take pictures immediately in JPEG

HEIF allows you to save a lot almost doubles the space on the drive without compromising quality, while after changes the file can be returned to its original state thanks to the preservation of the editing history. But if you constantly have to convert HEIF, it's easier to change the camera settings to immediately shoot in JPEG. To do this:

How to Convert HEIF to JPEG on iPhone and Mac: 3 Easy Ways

  1. Open iPhone settings.< /li>
  2. Go to Camera → Formats.
  3. Select the Most Compatible option.

Done: all photos will now be saved to JPEG. It is worth noting that when you select this format, you will not be able to shoot video in 4K at 60 frames per second, as well as in 1080p at 240 frames per second.