
Google Play has limited work in Russia

And YouTube has disabled all monetization features.

Google Play restricted work in Russia

The official Android app store has blocked paid features for Russian users. Only free apps can be downloaded, and subscriptions will last until the end of the paid period.

Restrictions mean that you will not be able to buy in-game content, renew your subscription, or use paid features after the end of the trial period. In addition, it will not be possible to purchase digital goods through Google Play in Russia, place a trial subscription or pre-order.

At the same time, Russian developers will be able to publish and update applications. It is also allowed to defer subscription renewals for up to one year or make them free to retain users. The latter option, according to the company, is relevant for applications that provide “a critical service to users to ensure the security of access to information.”

The formal reason for the restrictions is the failure of the payment system due to sanctions. Billing on Google Play will be suspended “in the coming days.”

In addition, the company sent out a letter stating that it has disabled all YouTube monetization features for Russian users. From March 10, bloggers will not be able to receive income from Premium, Music Premium subscriptions, sponsorships, super chats, super stickers from accounts from Russia.

Previously, advertising in the Google search engine and YouTube disappeared. You won't be able to get paid YouTube Music and YouTube Premium subscriptions in Russia either.