
7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

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7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues



7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

This text contains the rules gained through years of messenger work. You can pin this link in the headers of all your work chats, add it to your corporate onboarding, or simply send it to colleagues so that they always have something to rely on when teaching newcomers.

Introduce yourself at first contact

If this is your first contact, you need to introduce yourself and write what you are talking about. By your name in the messenger, it may not be obvious what your name is, and it is embarrassing to ask the interlocutor again.

If you started communicating with a person in one channel (for example, by phone), and continue in another (for example, in a messenger ), at the beginning of communication, you need to remind who you are and on what issue.

Ideally, in the working messenger, you need to set such a name so that it is immediately clear from it who you are – Olga, Ivan or Maria, and not Hölga, iOne or Mary Løve.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

Dividing a message into semantic parts

There are two extremes in dividing messages into parts : one word per message or a “canvas” of text.

Do it in the middle: in one message there should be one thought, one question or one sentence. Imagine that a person has to swipe a message and reply specifically to it.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

Stick to the topic

In group chats, write on the topic that is fixed in the chat title. If you need to discuss a different topic with these same people, create a new chat. Do not discuss a new topic in the old chat.

This is necessary so that later your conversation can be found among the chats. When many topics are discussed in parallel in one chat, this is hell.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

Discussed – fix

If you are chatting about a project with many options, end the discussion with a summary message of what you agreed on. If possible, fix it or mark it visually.

Imagine that a person who did not participate in your discussion will need to do work on the results of your agreements. How can he understand what exactly you agreed on? Imagine how hard it will be for him to read a kilometer of your chatter in order to understand what to do now.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips, how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

An answer is needed – contact

In a group chat, proceed from the fact that no one reads it. If you need a reaction from a specific person, contact him by nickname to get a notification.

Replying to messages is better through the “Reply” function, and not just following your message. Imagine that the person you are replying to has switched to another chat, and when they return, your reply will be lost.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

Voice – with permission and in portions

Voices can be sent if you have an agreement with the recipient about this. If you don't have it yet, you need to get it. Ask if the person would be comfortable listening to the voice. Usually people will say “Yes, no problem.”

Voices are infuriating when they are sent without asking. And doubly – when they are sent without asking to strangers.

Instead of one long voice, say several short ones, dividing them by topic.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues

Nothing good is written after 9 pm

If you find yourself in a work chat after “Goodnight Kids” is over, you're probably not in the best mental shape. And your colleagues, even more so.

If possible, do not conduct working discussions in chat rooms at night, on weekends, on holidays. The night is for sleep. Holidays are for relaxation. People's heads don't work well at night. On weekends, people want to relax, but that's not all. When one lively guy starts chatting with everyone after hours, he annoys everyone, but if you don’t get involved in the conversation, it’s as if you miss something important. Don't be that person.

If you really want to send messages at night or on the weekend, set a delayed send.

7 tips on how to communicate in messengers with colleagues

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/7-sovetov-kak-obshhatsja-v-messendzherah-s-kollegami-7271eab.png" alt="7 tips on how to communicate in instant messengers with colleagues" />

Cover: frame from the film “Bruce Almighty”