
You can now share lists of places in Yandex Maps

It is convenient if you need to show someone exactly where to go.

In « Yandex Maps» now you can share lists of places

Viktor Podvolotsky

Author of Lifehacker

You can now share lists of places in Yandex Maps

Users of “Yandex Maps” now have the opportunity to exchange lists of places, like playlists from music services. Such lists can include any objects and organizations, various institutions and attractions. The option is available through the “Add place” button, where points on the map are usually saved.

The user can come up with a title and description for each place, as well as leave comments. The list can be assigned an icon that will be displayed on the map above all places. This will greatly simplify the search for points and route planning.

Already now, popular museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg have made their lists in Yandex Maps:

  • Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin marked the Morozov places in honor of the ongoing exhibition “Brother Ivan. Collections of Mikhail and Ivan Morozov” with canvases from the collection of the brothers.
  • The Tretyakov Gallery has compiled a list of places in Moscow depicted in famous paintings from the gallery's collection.
  • The State Russian Museum has created a list with the houses of St. Petersburg, where famous artists lived.
  • The State Hermitage gathered its exhibition complexes throughout Russia, and the GES-2 House of Culture marked the places around the world where projects of the V–A–C Foundation took place.< /li>

You can now share lists of places in Yandex Maps

Each user can create dozens of lists and add up to 1,000 places to them. Any of the lists in the format of a simple link can be sent in a messenger, added to a social network or published on a website. Recipients of such links will also be able to subscribe to the list to keep track of new places being added.