
“Yandex” for the first time in its history will change the main page

This will happen within a few months, but you can already look at the new option.

Viktor Podvolotsky

Author of Lifehacker

On August 23, it was announced that Yandex had agreed to sell Zen and News services to VK. This will entail a change in the main page of the search engine – now it will be ya.ru.

The basis of this page will be a universal search for everything that can be searched for: articles, pictures, products, and so on. “Alice” will also appear there, who can help you quickly get an answer or, for example, turn on the music.

The developers note that the new main page will continue to be the entry point to Yandex services, for example, to Mail or the Yandex ID personal account. You can see what the page will look like right now – on new.ya.ru.

The full transition will take place within a few months, and the old yandex.ru will redirect to dzen.ru – an updated media portal with news and publications of bloggers, which will already belong to VK.

It also became known today that the Delivery Club service is moving to Yandex.

Cover: Yandex