
Скачать с Яндекс диска wildlightexposures.com – Joshua Snow – Night Photography Off the Deep End Parts 1 & 2

Скачать с Яндекс диска wildlightexposures.com - Joshua Snow - Night Photography Off the Deep End Parts 1 & 2

This in-depth, two-part, tag-team webinar discusses all of our favorite techniques in capturing the night sky, from composition, settings, theory, and execution! Part 1 is all the technical goodies, and part 2 contains the live edits where we each work through an image using our own workflows!

Topics include:

  • How and when to capture Blue hour frames
  • Stacking for Noise reduction
  • Blending images
  • Creating Star Haze
  • Dodging and Burning
  • And more…

Part 1: Jess and I deep dive into the theory, and techniques along with some friendly banter
Part 2: Jess and I each process an image using our most used and favorite techniques!


Скачать с Яндекс диска wildlightexposures.com - Joshua Snow - Night Photography Off the Deep End Parts 1 & 2

Скачать с Яндекс диска wildlightexposures.com - Joshua Snow - Night Photography Off the Deep End Parts 1 & 2
