
Скачать с Яндекс диска Welcome To Game Design – Game Design Canvas And Document

Скачать с Яндекс диска Welcome To Game Design – Game Design Canvas And Document

File Name:Welcome To Game Design – Game Design Canvas And Document
Content Source:https://www.udemy.com/course/welcome-to-game-design-game-design-canvas-semaphore/
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting
File Size :843 MB
Updated and Published:February 24, 2024
Product Details

The Goal is to understand how to build a Game Design Canvas for any type of Gaming Project you have.

You will learn about many different aspects of Game Design that make a game be a game, with clear explanations and examples.

The Goal is to understand how to create projects from scratch and develop them using project management tools, brainstorming techniques and tips to make games that make sense.

First you show you how to find the Purpose of your project and define metrics according to your goals.

Then we start at the Red Sign, where I’ll show you how to define:

  • Platforms
  • Number Of Players
  • Target Audience
  • Duration

On the Yellow Sign, you’ll learn about:

  • Genres
  • Mechanics
  • Story and Theme
  • Aesthetics

And finally, what makes your game be a game

  • Goals
  • Interaction
  • Obstacles
  • Rules

By the end of some classes, I’ll challenge you to do some exercises, to help you learn better. They are not mandatory, but they can make you become a better game designer.

You will also answer some Quizzes, to help you memorize what you learnt even more.

You’ll also be able to download the presentation used in this course.

This course will help you create a bionic eye, after your know how games are made, playing them will never be the same again.

Скачать с Яндекс диска Welcome To Game Design – Game Design Canvas And Document

Скачать с Яндекс диска Welcome To Game Design – Game Design Canvas And Document
