
iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS Monterey 12 updates released to fix critical bugs

macOS has finally fixed a bug with a discharge in sleep mode due to Bluetooth. -i-macos-monterey-12-ispravljajushhie-kritichnye-bagi-6c287c2.jpg” alt=”IOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS Monterey 12 updates are out, fixing critical bugs” />

New versions of operating systems systems came out just two weeks after major updates and contain important security updates. A bug in the WebKit browser engine has been fixed in the latest software.

An issue in WebKit allowed attackers to activate malicious web content and arbitrary code in the browser. Apple believes that the vulnerability could be massively exploited by cybercriminals, so it is worth updating as soon as possible.

In addition, mobile operating systems have solved the problem with Braille displays for visually impaired people. In some cases, the screens became unresponsive, but in recent versions this has been fixed.

The macOS 12.2.1 update eliminates the spontaneous discharge that was observed on some MacBooks with Intel processors. When the computer went to sleep, the Bluetooth module activated the accessories, which caused the laptop battery to lose power. Sometimes the charge level dropped from 100% to 0% overnight, and turning off the Bluetooth module manually did not help. There are no reported issues with the MacBook on the Apple M1.

You can update your systems to iOS 15.3.1 and iPadOS 15.3.1 in the Settings app → General → Software Update. Install macOS 12.2.1 – from the menu “System Preferences” → “Software Update”.