
How to eat flour, so as not to get better and not harm your health

Buns can be helpful! Even if not all and not all. zdorovju-f10a9b9.png” alt=”How to eat starchy foods so as not to get better and not harm your health” />


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Like eat flour, so as not to get better and not harm your health

Why flour is harmful

Let's start with shocking facts. Bread, croissants, cookies are made from flour, and flour from wheat. Amazing, right? During processing, the bran and wheat germ are removed, and the remaining substance with the proud name of the endosperm is ground into flour for baking and any other cooking, such as roll cutlets.

The stronger the processing and the whiter the flour, the less useful fiber and vitamins remain in it. Carefully crafted, these flours can be calorie-heavy, raise blood sugar, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes along with heart disease. So many gifts at once and not even from Santa Claus.

How to reduce harm

If you really want to eat buns, do not get fat and die prematurely, then it is better to look in the direction of flour of a different shade, which has more fiber, protein and vitamins:

  • almond,
  • wheat,
  • corn (in addition to the other pluses, it also has a beautiful color!),
  • coconut,
  • oatmeal,
  • rye,
  • and even buckwheat.

And as Cuprum recalls, brown rice flour generally reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and improves digestion. It is rich in magnesium, selenium, vitamin B6 and phosphorus. Pancakes, pancakes and other buns made from such flour will not be so sweet and airy, but they will add health, and not vice versa.

Our dear WHO recommends eating five servings a day, or 400 grams, of vegetables and fruits – this reduces all possible health risks. Then you can eat a bun in between healthy portions.

And for those who are hungry while reading all this, there is a selection with healthy recipes and other things.

  • Site Maria Kardakova. There you can find nutrition labels, recipes, helpful tips and a whole lot more food-related stuff.
  • Healthy recipes from great british health care: dinners, lunches, breakfasts and snacks – and everything that is useful.< /li>
  • What happens if you stop eating bread — a post in the Kuprum telegram. It turns out that nothing good will come of it.
  • Six ways to cope with anxiety – for those who eat anxiety and other problems in buns.
  • Conversation with a nutritionist – a podcast about nutrition and myths associated with it.

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